Yoda 'I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe.' Text Here. They're real.' R E T U R N O F T H E J E D I Text Here.
'May the force be with us.' Anakin Skywalker 'I have waited a long time for this moment, my little green friend.' Han Solo © &TM Lucasfilm Ltd. 'I have a very bad feeling about this.' Qui-Gon Jinn Luke Skywalker E P I S O D E The Mural Awakens E P I S O D E VI 'Take hold of this moment. Lando Calrissian Kylo Ren Palpatine 'I'm no one.' The Adventure Begins. May 2002 Objectives Leia Organa E P I S O D E I Text Here. 'The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.' May 19 'We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers.' Mace Windu E P I S O D E VII a n d n o w. 'Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy.